Join the Revolution in
Social Impact Networking

Raise money for nonprofits by giving business advice

Join the Revolution in
Social Impact Networking

Raise money for nonprofits by giving business advice

Giving as easy as scheduling a meeting

Promote your philanthropic self

Create a giv booking profile
Signup, align with a nonprofit and set your fundraising rate.

Share your page
Add your giv link to your email signature, website or Linkedin and start fundraising.

Appear on our expert network
Make your profile public and searchable making you accessible to raise more.

Meet with Donors over Video
Provide expertise, make connections, and align with social impact.

Join a community reshaping how
expertise drives change

Transform knowledge sharing through charitable giving

Connect with people who are passionate about learning about your business experience.

Encourage your clients to make donations to nonprofits of your choice as a token of appreciation for your expertise.

Evangelize the transformative power of knowledge and generosity.

Only accept and schedule relevant meeting requests you feel good about.

Join Now

Contact Information
Say something to start a live chat!
Boston, Massachusetts 02156 United States
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Join and make social impact part of every meeting.  

Transform sales meetings and relationships.

Meet for business while making a difference.

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